What got me out of bed.

I had completely surrendered to my grief, my guilt, the what ifs, I did know that I had to be present in it, or I’d stuff it away somewhere, only to be hit out of the blue. I have always collected boxes, and what do you do with them, hide stuff, conceal stuff etc. I knew even as raw as I was I had to somehow will myself out of bed. I step outside, to see a lady 9 months pregnant, on the phone saying “Well maybe its cuz I’m 9 months pregnant and alone!” super Erin to the rescue, what spike, someone needs me spike….? We had a lot in common I loved her immediately.  I was in a grief group at a church, they said: “try something new, say yes, to something you normally wouldn’t”.  I run into them both at the grocery store, he’s a chef and invites me to a pastrami, chef style. I go, and the sandwich is a toasted bagel, cream cheese, fresh arugula, pastrami, amazing!! So we all mesh, next thing the baby is born, and when I met him, he looked right into my soul! I knew they were both first-time parents, and I a skilled nanny, so I helped them raise the baby until he was over 2, he’s thriving! The point is saying YES, yes to life, yes to new experiences, you never know what a sandwich can turn into.

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